
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.


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Python Logging Tip

1 minute read


Python Tip: Use loguru for logging

Display Tabs in Vim in Grey

1 minute read


Displaying tabs using listchar makes tabs visible – makes it different from leading white spaces. But that’s too visible to stand.

What does GFP mean in Linux?

less than 1 minute read


Frequently I see GFP in Linux source code but I don’t know what that means.

Grub Boot Procedure

3 minute read


Problem: Grub cannot boot

I moved my nvme ssd that contains several Linux OSes from one machine to another, and find out that it cannot correctly boot from grub. This note descibes how grub works and how to fix it.

Set Up VNC Server

less than 1 minute read


A quick VNC server setup that works.

AutoECS: An Automatic Environment Configuration Script

1 minute read


I’ve been configuring a new operating system for so many times and every time I reinstall a new OS I need to do exactly the sanme configuration, which is **** stupid. I need an automatic script to help me with it, and it needs to be awesome – it contains my favorate configurations! You might find it useful, too.

V2Ray 使用自定义 PAC

less than 1 minute read


问题:在现在的PAC模式下,v2ray会自动选择GFW List里面的网址使用代理。而我们希望在访问某些网址时走代理,因为通过代理访问这些网站会更加稳定。但是这些网址不被包含在默认PAC列表里。比如,, github官网走代理会更快,又比如zoom, skype, discord等网页app走代理更加稳定。

Meal Recipe For Dog 狗饭

less than 1 minute read

